Warrant of Wildness

Getting your Warrant of Wildness is mandatory if you want to take part in the V5000 event.

Why do I need one?

The WILD V5000 is a particularly demanding event set in tough, remote terrain in an area that can experience rapidly changing weather conditions with extremes of wind, temperature, and exposure possible at any time of year. 

It is only suitable for runners who are experienced in backcountry travel.

Entries will only be accepted from runners who have qualified for the event and are in possession of a Warrant of Wildness (WOW). If you don’t have a Warrant of Wildness but would like to take part in this awesome run then please complete and submit the application form.

WOWs issued in 2023 or earlier remain valid for the 2024 edition of the V5000 - if you have one of these you do NOT need to re-apply.