Our partners

The Wild is brought to you in partnership with some awesome organisations dedicated to helping us deliver an epic celebration of trail and mountain running.

If you're interested in helping support the event as a business, click the button below to get in touch.

Spectating at The Wild

One of the things that makes The WILD so unique and alluring is the remoteness of much of the terrain our courses cover. This does however make for somewhat limited spectator access. Full details on how and where supporters can encourage and support their athletes will be shared well in advance of the event. Supporters are welcome at:

  • The start/finish area of Butler's Green, Arrowtown (and Wilcox Green for the Beast of Beetham)
  • At Heidi's Hut aid station - the 18k mark on the V5000, V3000 and V1600 courses. Parking will be available at Coronet Peak Ski Area but will necessitate a short walk (a few hundred metres) to reach the aid station. Bring your cowbells and make some noise!
  • On the side of trails easily accessed by foot from Arrowtown (please stay well to the side and out of the way of runners...common sense prevails!)
  • Eight Mile Hut (49k on the V3000 and 70k on the V5000) can be accessed by supporters but ONLY on foot or by mountain bike. NO cars are allowed. This is 11km each way from the start/finish area at Butler’s Green
  • At the junction of Macetown Rd and the New Chums Ridge Track (54k on the V3000 and 75k on theV5000). This too is only accessible on foot or by bike (6k each way from the start/finish area at Butler’s Green). NO cars are allowed.
  • There is NO spectator access to either the Skippers Road or Vanguard Hut aid stations and NO spectator vehicle access on Skippers Rd or Macetown Rd.
  • Supporters may offer their athletes assistance ONLY at Heidi’s Hut and Eight Mile Hut aid stations. Assistance must be provided within 100m of each aid station and not in a way that interferes with aid station staff or other athletes.

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